Dr Pratima Radhakrishna
Diploma in Fetal Medicine (Fetal Medicine Foundation, UK) – 1st Indian to get this Diploma
Diploma in Advanced Obstetric Ultrasound (RCOG, UK)
Director and Consultant, Bangalore Fetal Medicine Centre, Bangalore
Director, IMA-BFMC Fetal care centres
Consultant in Fetal Medicine, Manipal Hospital, Bangalore
Bangalore Fetal Medicine Centre follows the high standards of Fetal care laid by the Fetal Medicine
Foundation, UK. Comprehensive services of a Geneticist and an emotional counselor is available apart
from fetal medicine services. We have established ourselves as one of the leading centres in the country
with high standards of fetal care. In the last 10 years, we have trained several doctors in fetal scanning
in the short and long term courses. They have all been accredited by the FMF, UK.
The BFMC Education fund helps patients who can’t afford fetal testing and treatment. BFMC has
established the first of its kind “Combined Fetal-Genetics Clinic” which has been running successfully
for the last 9 years. This has benefited several parents not only in Bangalore but across India.
- Founder member, Indian Society of Ultrasound in OBG (INSUOG)
- Founder member, Society of Fetal Medicine (SFM)
- Treasurer, Bangalore Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology (BSOG)
- Executive Committee, RCOG Bangalore Trust
- Trained at Harris Birthright Research Centre for Fetal Medicine, London with Prof Kypros Nicolaides –
topped the Fetal medicine course exams
- Fetal echo from Prof Lindsey Allan - topped the Fetal echo advanced course
- Invasive procedures from the Fetal Medicine Foundation
- Trained in Fetoscopic Fetal and Placental surgery, particularly for laser ablation of placental vessels from Prof Kypros Nicolaides
AREA OF SPECIAL INTEREST Fetal diagnosis & Therapy, Fetal Screening strategies, Early fetal diagnosis
- First to perform Fetoscopic laser for complicated monochorionic twin pregnancy in India
- Performed successfully advanced fetal invasive procedures like fetal blood transfusions,
pleuro-amniotic shunt insertions, ultrasound guided bipolar cord coagulation and laser ablation and
fetoscopic laser ablation of placental anastomoses for complicated monochorionic twins
- Pioneered First trimester screening & Diagnosis in India and accredited several sonologists for the FMF certifications
- Dr MV Parange oration on “Reducing maternal and perinatal mortality – is it possible?” at AMOGS annual conference, Mahabaleshwar, February 2019
- “The First Trimester Anomaly Scan”, Keynote address at “Optimising Perinatal Outcomes”, Mumbai, June 2018
- “The First Trimester Scan” Keynote address at Regional conference, Hubli, April 2015
- Presented 4 papers with original data on 1st trimester screening for Monochorionic diamniotic twins,
fetal reduction from triplets to singletons & twins, outcome of fetal interventions for TRAP and prediction
of fetal anaemia by MCA Doppler in subsequent transfusions at International Fetal Medicine and Surgical
Society (IFMSS) 2018 meeting at Bali, Indonesia. This received a lot of appreciation on the quality of
research work and significant number of cases
- Presented original data on “Consequences of increased PI in the Ductus Venosus at the 11+0 – 13+6 weeks” at the 17th World Congress in Fetal Medicine 2018 at Athens, Greece
- Presented original data on detection of first trimester anomalies “Always detectable 9 and much more” at the 14th World Congress in Fetal Medicine 2015 at Crete, Greece
- Presented the first multicentric Indian data on First trimester screening over a 5-year period in 12110 pregnancies at the 9th World Congress in Fetal Medicine 2010 at Rhodes, Greece
- Presented talk on “Fetal Dysmorphology” – original data from the Combined Fetal medicine-Genetic clinic which is established at BFMC for nearly 9 years now at the Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine 2015, Taipei, Taiwan
- Several posters presented at the 9th, 13th, 14th, 16th and 17th World Congress in Fetal Medicine at Rhodes, Greece, Nice, Crete, Ljublana, Athens respectively
- Several oral and poster presentations at regional, national and international conferences on various topics in Fetal medicine
- ARNIMAAL AWARD for best presentation in Fetal medicine on ‘Fetal Dysmorphology’ at the AICC RCOG at Delhi 2009
- DR MOHINDER KOCHAR AWARD for the best oral presentation at AICC RCOG Annual meet, Chennai, 2011
- Continuous research and audit in BFMC enabling clinical fellows’ significant exposure from doing research to finally publishing the same
- Guide to PG students of Manipal Medical University
- ‘Feta; Therapy”, ‘First trimester Scan” “anomaly scan” “Obstetric Doppler” workshops at various cities
- FMF accredited trainer for the nuchal translucency, Anomaly scan & Doppler certification program in India
- established Obstetric Ultrasound and Fetal Medicine fellowship training programs at BFMC, Bangalore
- “Fetal Ultrasound Program” (FUP) – established in 2012; a unique skill enhancing and training program for practicing sonologists in Fetal ultrasound which is has now cleared 5 “onsite” batches” One of the most popular courses in Fetal ultrasound where several students have benefited by improving their scanning skills and acquired the FMF, UK certifications
- First to start exclusive Online blended learning programs on Fetal Ultrasound which is the online version of the FUP
Marathon Running, Traveling, Dancing